DIY & Crafts

Great Ideas: Crafts

Canadian Living
DIY & Crafts

Great Ideas: Crafts

Hi friends, Well, I'm a bit tuckered out after all that prize-giving, knitter-interviewing and giveaway-posting from yesterday! So I'll keep it short today. I've encountered a few neat ideas in the last few days that I wanted to share here. picture-231. In conjunction with the release of their book Quilting for Peace, STC Craft has organized a Quilting for Peace campaign. They write: "Quilting for Peace profiles more than 25 individuals and organizations devoted to making quilts and other necessities for the needy. The efforts range from Newborns in Need, a group that makes clothing for premature babies at nearby hospitals; to Quilts of Valor, which makes quilts to honor wounded soldiers; to the Sleeping Bag Project, which distributes 100,000 homemade sleeping bags to the homeless every year. This timely book also includes 15 projects and guidelines for quilters who want to contribute to an existing effort or establish a new one." > It's a great book and a wonderful idea. Learn more here. picture-31 2. I know that many of you are already hard at work on your Christmas gifts; if you're looking for even more ideas, check out the Sew Mama Sew blog, where they're running their Handmade Christmas series for the third year. They've rounded up tutorials for more Christmas crafting ideas (not, it's not all sewing) than you can shake a knitting needle at. (Today's theme is gifts to make for crafters. Perfect!!) picture-414. Virtual/online quilting bees have been popping up all over the place. Basically, twelve quilters take turns making blocks for each other  (one per month for a year). At the end of the year, you end up with a quilt top! I love this idea. Check out the Block Party blog, where they've started a quilt-along; get ideas at the Block Party Flickr group; or find out about starting or joining a virtual quilting bee for yourself (there's a Canada-only bee – great idea! – still looking for members. See more here). What's inspiring you these days? Please, leave a link in the comments if you've got something to share.


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DIY & Crafts

Great Ideas: Crafts
