DIY & Crafts

Happy New Year (and a winner!)

Canadian Living
DIY & Crafts

Happy New Year (and a winner!)

Hello friends, and happy new year! It's good to be back here today, which I think is the sign of a Christmas vacation that was just long enough. I hope that you all had time to enjoy the holidays (and maybe to sneak some crafting in amidst the turkey dinners and family gatherings). [caption id="attachment_945" align="aligncenter" width="232" caption="Stitch, a needleworker's haven in Jordan Village."] Stitch, a needleworker's haven in Jordan Village.[/caption] As usual, I loved reading your comments on the giveaway post – I wonder how many of you had your crafty wishes fulfilled? Big thanks to Ginger, whose comment led to my mum and I taking a fun jaunt out to Stitch, a lovely little store that stocks yarn, fabric, hooks, needles...and so much more. (And we followed that up with some delicious local cheese. What a day!) picture-3 And now for the lucky winner of Reversible Knitting by Lynne Barr. As usual, the random integer generator did the hard work... picture-1 Congratulations to Petrina! picture-2 I'll be in touch shortly with details, Petrina. And stay tuned for the first giveaway of 2010! This time it's something for the sewists (or aspiring sewists) in the group.


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DIY & Crafts

Happy New Year (and a winner!)
