DIY & Crafts

Giveaway #41

Canadian Living
DIY & Crafts

Giveaway #41

Hello again! It feels strange doing Monday-blogging things on a Wednesday, I must admit. I'll post this giveaway today, and then tomorrow we'll get back into the swing of things with a couple of project posts. I'd like to do another blogger round-up soon, too, so if you weren't in the last one, this would be a good time to leave a comment pointing me toward your blog! picture-122 This week's giveaway is for the paper crafters out there. Joy of Card Making: Collector's Edition (from Paper Crafts Magazine) is a veritable bible of card-making ideas. I love paper craft but sometimes when I sit down in front of a stack of paper and doodads, I draw a blank. That would never be a problem again with this book! There's a card in here for every occasion...and probably a few occasions I've never thought of. For your chance to win, comment on this post by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, February 21st. This week I'd love to know if there's a craft you love that every once in a while gives you brain freeze (like me and card-making!). I'll post a winner here on Monday, February 22nd.


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DIY & Crafts

Giveaway #41
