
Ingredient spotlight: pomegranate molasses

Canadian Living

Ingredient spotlight: pomegranate molasses

One look in my fridge and pantry will reveal that I'm a collector of condiments. I love scouring the aisles of grocery stores and markets for unique little jars of goodies that can be used for experimental cooking at home. And I love how the flavours and smells of these condiments can instantly transport me to another part of the world for a brief instant. pomegranate molasses My favourite condiment at the moment is pomegranate molasses (sometimes called grenadine molasses). Commonly used in Middle Eastern cooking, it's a deep ruby red syrup made from boiled down pomegranate juice - depending on the brand sugar or lemon juice is added to balance the syrup. The flavour is an intense sweet and tart combination that is kind of addictive. Often it's likened to a good aged balsamic vinegar. And like an aged balsamic vinegar, a little pomegranate molasses goes a long way. Look for it in Middle Eastern grocery stores, or specialty food shops. At home, try pomegranate molasses in a dip or a vinaigrette, brushed over grilled meats, used in the braising liquid for meats or simply drizzled over vanilla ice cream. And try it in some of these Tested 'Til Perfect recipes: Turkish-Style Lamb Burgers   Turkish-Style Lamb Burgers - if you like substitute the ground lamb for ground beef. Glazed Pomegranate Chicken Chickpea and Pomegranate Dip Roasted Pepper Pomegranate Dip Pomegranate Vinaigrette For a quick snack, these roasted chickpeas with pomegranate molasses will satisfy your sweet and savoury cravings. roasted chickpeas images from top: Rheanna Kish, Jeff Coulson, Rheanna Kish  


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Ingredient spotlight: pomegranate molasses
