
What's on your bucket list? And a chance to WIN!

Canadian Living

What's on your bucket list? And a chance to WIN!

51o52qtofol_ss500_I'm really enjoying reading all your responses to my October 21 post, where I asked you to tell us about how you stay young. With all these great ideas, we'll be able to stay young-at-heart and enjoy healthy living for years to come! You'll find more ideas for attaining a lifestyle that encourages longevity in Dan Buettner new book, The Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who've Lived the Longest. Buettner has traveled the globe to uncover strategies for longevity found in the Blue Zones: places in the world where higher percentages of people enjoy remarkably long, full lives. For a chance to WIN a copy of The Blue Zones, just Subscribe To This Blog and post a reply to let us know what's on your "bucket list" - that is, what's on your list of things to do before you die? Now that our healthy lifestyles are helping us live longer, how do you want to spend your time? Let us know about the things you want to accomplish before you pass on - the places you'd like to see, the things you'd like to do. You have until Tuesday, November 17 to let us know. I'll announce the winner here on Wednesday, December 2.


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What's on your bucket list? And a chance to WIN!
