Culture & Entertainment

8 fun facts about rabbits

Canadian Living
Culture & Entertainment

8 fun facts about rabbits

I'm pretty sure the first rabbit I "met" was Bugs Bunny. And shortly thereafter, probably the Cadbury bunny. Based solely on those introductions it would've been easy to have the impression that rabbits are incredibly resourceful, ridiculously cuddly and crazy about chocolate. The reality is that rabbits are fairly high maintenance animals, and unlike hamsters, not good pets for young kids. They're also physically delicate (picking one up the wrong way could break its back) and require specialized vet care. [caption id="attachment_14128" align="aligncenter" width="266"] Photo: hotblack[/caption] But whether you have a pet rabbit or not, it's also fun to learn about another member of the animal kingdom. Here are 8 things to know about rabbits: • There are more than 60 breeds of rabbits, and they vary in size from two pounds to more than 13 pounds (that would be the appropriately named Flemish Giant). • Their front teeth never stop growing. To help keep their teeth worn down and satisfy their need to gnaw, rabbits need hay and special chew toys, such as cardboard boxes and commercially made chew sticks. • They're game for games. Rabbits are willing participants in Hide and Seek, Follow the Leader and Tag. • They have cat-like tendencies. Besides the fact that a young rabbit is called a kitten, he may groom himself, rub his chin over something to show possession, can be trained to use a litter box, purrs (when grinding his teeth) and will come when called.* *(OK, that last one may be a bit of a stretch with cats.) [caption id="attachment_14124" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Photo:[/caption] • Rabbits are vegetarians. Among their favourite foods are leafy greens, collard greens and broccoli. And as we learned from watching Bugs Bunny, they also love carrot tops. The ASPCA recommends rabbits get two cups of veggies for every six pounds of its weight. • They may eat their own feces. Gross, yes, but funny enough, it aids in digestion. • Rabbits are born without fur; they'll be fully grown once they reach six months. On average, they live to be about 10. • Mama rabbits feed their kittens twice a day, once at dusk and once at dawn. Do you have a pet rabbit? Have you ever held or played with a rabbit?  
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Culture & Entertainment

8 fun facts about rabbits
