Culture & Entertainment

Toronto-area parents: Our Kids Camp Expo 2014

Canadian Living
Culture & Entertainment

Toronto-area parents: Our Kids Camp Expo 2014

I think one of the best things for many, if not basically all, kids is to go to camp. I may be biased: I attended day camps and then sleep-away camps every summer for about as long as I can remember and many of the things I most enjoy as an adult come directly out of those experiences. Part of becoming an adult is figuring out what both inspires us and fills our spirit. And as a parent I really want to give that to my kid in many different ways: Structured activities, unstructured time, role models, education and skills development. But my child also needs to learn those things away from me as a parent. Camp is a place for kids to try out their own independence with safe guidance around them, away from us as parents. Which is scary as a parent but oh so amazing for our kids. Keep watching our site for some great information about choosing a camp for your kid and some of the really cool new types of camps. (Did you know there's a toy design camp? Whoa.) Choosing a camp can be tricky though. And that's where the Our Kids Camp Expo comes in really handy. It's on this Sunday, February 23 (free tickets available at the link) from 12-4 at Roy Thompson Hall in Toronto. If you're in the area it's worth coming down and talking to representatives from various camps. If you bring your kids along you can see what interests them. And you can also hook up with the Kids in Camp charity if you, or a family you know, needs a financial boost, you can check them out there too. Cold and flu season permitting, I'll be there with my kids this Sunday. (Photo:


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Culture & Entertainment

Toronto-area parents: Our Kids Camp Expo 2014
