Ruby Sorrel Refresher Ruby Sorrel Refresher

Author: Canadian Living

This combination of ruby red sorrel and ginger with port and rum is very refreshing. Look for dried sorrel in Latin American or West Indian stores and choose packages of whole, uncrumbled leaves. This drink can be steeped and strained, then kept for weeks in the refrigerator, ready to offer guests.

  • Portion size 15 servings
  • Credits : ©



In non-metallic heatproof pitcher or crock, combine sorrel, ginger, orange peel and boiling water. Stir, cool and cover lightly. Let stand for 1 day at room temperature.

Strain into large bowl; blend in remaining ingredients, adding a pinch of grated nutmeg and stirring dissolve sugar. Transfer to large bottles or canning jars and store in refrigerator. To serve, pour over lots of ice in tall glasses.


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Baking & Desserts

Ruby Sorrel Refresher
