Food Tips

Choosing Ground Beef

Canadian Living
Food Tips

Choosing Ground Beef

• Ground beef is one of the least expensive and most versatile sources of high-quality protein. Regulations require that ground beef be labelled as either:

Extra-lean: a maximum fat content Of 10%
Lean: a maximum fat content of 17%
Medium: a maximum fat content of 23%
Regular: a maximum fat content of 30%

EXTRA-LEAN/LEAN: Use in such recipes as cabbage rolls and meat loaf, in which the ground beef is not precooked and drained of fat before being added to other ingredients.

MEDIUM: Use in such recipes as hamburgers and meatballs, in which the ground beef is not cooked before other ingredients are added but in which the fat can be drained during cooking.

REGULAR: Use in such recipes as spaghetti sauce and tacos, in which the ground beef is cooked and fat is drained off before beef is combined with other ingredients.


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Food Tips

Choosing Ground Beef
