Prevention & Recovery

New treatment for osteoporosis

New treatment for osteoporosis

Author: Canadian Living

Prevention & Recovery

New treatment for osteoporosis

For the estimated 1.4 million Canadians living with osteoporosis, many of which are not getting enough vitamin D, an innovative new treatment is now available containing both bone-building medication and vitamin D.

The new medication is called Fosavance, containing both Fosamax and vitamin D in a single tablet taken once a week, to help prevent fractures of the hip and spine.

Dr. Aliya Khan specializes in the treatment of osteoporosis.

"This is an important advancement for patients with osteoporosis. Vitamin D inadequacy is a significant issue in Canada, especially for people with osteoporosis, and it needs to be addressed. Effective treatment options help physicians to better manage patient's vitamin D intake and their bone health."

Vitamin D is essential to good bone health. Without it, calcium cannot be absorbed. However, it appears that many Canadians may be vitamin D deficient.

"A recent Canadian study found that more than 60 per cent of Canadians with osteoporosis had inadequate vitamin D levels," Khan said. "In another study, 97 per cent of patients hospitalized with a fracture from a minor fall had inadequate vitamin D."

Getting the necessary amount of vitamin D can be difficult for Canadians because of insufficient sun exposure. And unlike calcium, vitamin D is not as readily available through diet.

"It's very difficult for most people to meet their vitamin D requirements through diet alone," said registered dietitian Andrea Miller. "Most people, in fact, need a supplement in order to meet their adequate levels. Fortified cow's milk, fortified soy milk and fortified orange juice are all good sources. But again, without a supplement, it's very difficult to hit optimum levels."

For more about this new treatment from an osteoporosis sufferer, watch the video.

Editor’s note:
Osteoporosis and osteopenia can develop at any age as a result of celiac disease, whereby nutrients such as calcium cannot be absorbed by the body.  Even in the absence of typical celiac symptoms – such as vomiting or diarrhea - you should ask your doctor for the blood screening test for celiac disease because calcium supplements and regular exercise will not solve the malabsorption problem if you have celiac disease.
- Source: Janet Dalziel, Canadian Celiac Association


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Prevention & Recovery

New treatment for osteoporosis
