Home & Garden

Have a plant-swapping party

Have a plant-swapping party

Author: Canadian Living

Home & Garden

Have a plant-swapping party

This story was originally titled "Spring Trading" in the April 2007 issue. Subscribe to Canadian Living today and never miss an issue!

Why not parlay the dividing of your perennials into a plant-swapping party? Here's how.

1. Send out invites, informing guests that they must bring at least one plant to trade.

2. To dig out plants: Using a spade, cut out the plant, including the root-ball. Carefully pull it out and cut the foliage back. Pot each one (any container will do), ensuring that roots are kept moist. Label plants with care instructions.

3. Give everyone a few minutes to pitch her plant, then let the swapping begin.

Read more:
Great looks for decorating your outdoor space
A guide to perfect potting
Great tree planting tips


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Home & Garden

Have a plant-swapping party
