DIY & Crafts

Easter egg idea: Shibori eggs

Easter egg idea: Shibori eggs

Author: Canadian Living

DIY & Crafts

Easter egg idea: Shibori eggs

Soft blurry-edged patterns are one of the charms of this adaptation of the Japanese dyeing technique known as shibori.

• Dyes
• Rubber bands, stickers, or tape

1. Prepare the dye you have chosen. If it needs to cool before using, prepare the dye ahead of time.

2. Unblown or hard cooked eggs work best for this process. Both sink in the dye bath, so they don't have to be held down.

3. Rubber bands wrapped around eggs yield excellent, strong-patterned linear resists. Other good resists are stickers in simple shapes, yarns and string, and freehand shapes cut from masking tape.

4. Submerge eggs in the prepared dye for five to 10 minutes.

5. Remove eggs from the dye solution with a slotted spoon. Place the eggs on a drying rack if you have one and allow them to dry completely before removing the resists.

6. You may repeat the resist and dyeing process with a different dye color to create more complex patterns. (Click here to see finished eggs.)

For more egg projects from Artful Eggs, visit our sister site to try:
Chinoiserie eggs and Hydrangea eggs.

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Excerpted from Artful Eggs by Terry Taylor. Copyright 2004 Lark Book Publishing. Excerpted, with permission by Sterling Publishing. All rights reserved. No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher.



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DIY & Crafts

Easter egg idea: Shibori eggs
