DIY & Crafts

Giveaway #49 Winners!

Canadian Living
DIY & Crafts

Giveaway #49 Winners!

Hi friends, I hope you enjoyed your weekend! All those predictions of endless rain showers for Toronto came to naught, so I balanced my crafting time with some lovely time outside in the sun. It was great. all-set-to-sew I don't have a finished shirt to show you (best laid plans, etc.) but I did get all the pieces cut out – which seemed like an accomplishment in itself by the time I was finished! I'll have more details (and photos) to share tomorrow. Now, onto business. Last week I was giving away two Earth Day–themed prizes, a copy of Make It! by Jane Bull (from DK Press), and a copy of Knitting Green: Conversations and Planet-Friendly Projects by Ann Budd. Here are the lucky winners. The copy of... make-it1Goes to: picture-12Congratulations, picture-31Marge! Maybe this book will inspire a future project with those Grade 3s! And the copy of: knit-green1goes to: picture-4commenter: picture-5 Donna! Hopefully there'll be a project or two in this book that will catch your eye. Congratulations, ladies, and I'll be in touch shortly. And be sure to stop by later today for Giveaway #50!


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DIY & Crafts

Giveaway #49 Winners!
