DIY & Crafts

Love Letters: Ideas for Valentine's Cards

Canadian Living
DIY & Crafts

Love Letters: Ideas for Valentine's Cards

Hi friends, Do you remember giving and getting Valentine's Cards as a schoolkid? Writing the names on seemed to take f-o-r-e-v-e-r, but that was always eclipsed by the anticipation of upending my little red "mailbox" and shaking out the cards from all the other kids. That's what I was thinking about when I put together this Valentine's Day card holder for our February issue. (Apparently, I was also thinking "GLITTER!!!" But that's another story.) picture-14 The cards that you see peeking out of the top there are free downloadable valentines from the incomparable Emily (Inside a Black Apple). Pop over, take a look, download them...they're easy, and lovely, and infinity-plus-one times nicer than your typical dollar-store valentines. (In my opinion, anyway. Your six-year-old might have a different idea!) Some other great ideas for valentines: Well, that should get you started. Have fun – and remember, valentines aren't just for kids. Whose day wouldn't be brightened by a little bit of love and a handful of Hershey's kisses? That's what I thought. (And don't forget to enter this week's super giveaway! Each of your comments is like a valentine to me. Thank you so much for putting a smile on my face so many times this week.)


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DIY & Crafts

Love Letters: Ideas for Valentine's Cards
