DIY & Crafts

Some Christmas gift ideas...

Canadian Living
DIY & Crafts

Some Christmas gift ideas...

...20 of them, in fact, courtesy of the lovely people at STC Craft. Take a peek; you've got your choice of projects from a wide selection of their books. (And if that's not incentive enough, have I mentioned that last weekend, I bound off my first gift for  Christmas 2009? Yes, it's true!) Don't forget to enter for your chance to win a pair of tickets and class passes to the Creativ Festival (or to enter to win a copy of Knitted Socks East and West, if you live too far away to attend). Leave a comment on the contest post telling me which prize you'd like. Have a great weekend, friends. See you back here on Monday for Post #100!


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DIY & Crafts

Some Christmas gift ideas...
