DIY & Crafts


Canadian Living
DIY & Crafts


Hi friends, I hope that you all enjoyed your weekends and were able to get out and enjoy some nice autumn weather. Without further ado, I'm going to share the names of our two winners from Weekly Giveaway #21. creative-fest-21 The lucky winner of the day passes and classes for the Creativ Festival is... picture-22 picture-34Congratulations, Gina! I'll be in touch shortly to let  you know how to claim your prize. picture-13 And the copy of Knitted Socks East and West goes to... picture-42 picture-6Congratulations, Denise! Keep an eye on your inbox for an email from me. I've got another two giveaways coming up shortly, so stay tuned. As always, thanks to each and every one of you for reading Make+Do!


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DIY & Crafts

