Community & Current Events

Really meet your 2013 goals

Really meet your 2013 goals Image by: Author: Canadian Living

Community & Current Events

Really meet your 2013 goals

So you set your resolutions for the new year three weeks ago...and how is that going? If you've found yourself struggling, you're not alone -- research shows that up to 75% of us give up early in the year.

But don't worry - it's never too late to jump back on the bandwagon!

Join us in buckling down to set one new good habit -- or ditch one bad habit -- over the next 30 days. Every morning beginning January 21, 2013 follow our inspirational tweets @CanadianLiving and our hashtag #CLGoals. You can even join us Wednesday nights from 9:30 pm ET to 10 pm ET, January 23 - February 13 on Twitter following that #CLGoals hashtag to chat about how it's going for you!

Our best advice: Keep going! If these pitfalls are stopping you, here's how to address them:

My goals are too vague
"When you set a smart goal and achieve it, you not only experience the joy of a job well done, you reinforce your ability to tackle something else." 

If you often find yourself musing over vague goals like "I really have to be nicer to my kids," or "I want to be healthier," it's time to sit down to narrow your goal down and decide how you'll measure it. Check out 5 steps to get what you want.

online communities can help you meet your goals!


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Community & Current Events

Really meet your 2013 goals
