Culture & Entertainment

Want to eat less? Dine with a guy

Canadian Living
Culture & Entertainment

Want to eat less? Dine with a guy

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="123" caption="Image by TheCulinaryGeek via Flickr"]Vietnamese Chicken Sandwhich[/caption]
Women eat less when there are guys around, according to a study published in the Journal of Applied Social Psychology. Over 100 calories less, on average CBC News reports:
"Researchers studied the eating habits of students at a food court at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. 166 participants recorded what they purchased during lunch and dinner hours. They found that women purchased an average of 833 calories when eating only with other women, while that average dropped to 721 calories in the company of men."
Are you making your husband fat? The study also shows that men, conversely, will eat more around women - an average of over 200 calories more! According to Huffington Post Canada:
"Perhaps the more surprising results was when men ate with other men. They ate an average of 952 calories when eating with their own gender but when they sat with women, males consumed 1162 calories on average."
But why? Jezebel says:
"Not surprisingly, women eat less when they're around men, presumably due to social conventions that require us to be delicate little songbirds around men..."
Hmm. Do you feel like you have to eat "ladylike portions" around men? Leave a comment and let me know.
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Culture & Entertainment

Want to eat less? Dine with a guy
