Mind & Spirit
Best friends makeover: Month 7

Mind & Spirit
Best friends makeover: Month 7
At the halfway mark of their yearlong Canadian Living Best Friends Makeover, Tracy Metcalfe and Tanya Leavitt of Calgary are still working hard to make improvements -- but also squeezing in a bit of fun. Here's an update.
• The girls attended a You Are Fabulous event -- a combination fashion show, makeup demonstration and flirting seminar. Tracy won a $50 draw. Afterward, they practised their newly acquired skills at a local nightclub.
• Tracy has begun contacting employment agencies as part of her ongoing job hunt.
• With a little push from her life coach, Tracy is able to better identify her needs and values. “I'm learning to trust my intuition and act on those feelings right away,” she says, “instead of discounting them as I have often done in the past.”
• Tanya, too, is listening more to -- and trusting -- her inner voice. She has become faster at identifying and eliminating uncomfortable situations earlier or before they even arise.
• At work, Tanya is busy planning a second Success Circle workshop with her coworkers at Calgary Urban Project Society, after the first one proved to be a hit.
• When it comes to fitness, Tracy is “finally” seeing results. Her arms and stomach are more toned, and she's seeing more leg definition, too.
• Tracy is struggling with her food bill. While a new cookbook, Simply Great Food (Robert Rose, 2007) by The Dietitians of Canada, is helping her plan meals, it means buying more foods -- and more ingredients.
• For her part, Tanya is using a spreadsheet to keep track of her daily food choices.
Photo by Roth & Ramberg