3504 recipes for "egg"
Treacle Tart

Treacle Tart

Feb 4, 2008

Popular in the United Kingdom, treacle is a syrup made in the refining of sugar cane. Treacle Tart has become a curiosity in other countries due to being in the Harry Potter books. In Canada, look for Lyle's Golden Syrup. Or you can substitute 2/3 cup (150 mL) corn syrup and 1/3 cup (75 mL) fancy molasses for the golden syrup.

German Chocolate Brownies

German Chocolate Brownies

Oct 16, 2012

The nut-studded coconut ganache topping on these brownies was inspired by the icing on a traditional German chocolate cake.

Marion's Orange Cake

Marion's Orange Cake

May 17, 2006

Lucy Maud Montgomery was not only an accomplished writer, she was also a great cook and neatly wrote her recipes in a ledger. This delicious moist cake from Marion (Webb) Laird appears on a well-worn page in the ledger. A selection of Montgomery's recipes, including this one, was published in Aunt Maud's Recipe Book (Moulin Publishing Limited, 1996), compiled by Elaine and Kelly Crawford, Marion's daughter and granddaughter, respectively. Marion's mother, Myrtle Macneill, was Montgomery's third cousin and she lived in the real-life Green Gables.

Greek Market Meatballs with Cumin and Pepper

Greek Market Meatballs with Cumin and Pepper

Aug 6, 2005

The Greek Market in Winnipeg offers customers Greek products, in-house Greek food and cooking classes. The food is sold cold for reheating at home. Among the many favourites - including stuffed vegetables, cheese pie, and chicken breast stuffed with red peppers and olives - are these cumin-flavoured meatballs called sousoukakia.



Dec 15, 2010

This shortbreadlike, dulce de leche–filled sandwich cookie is popular throughout South and Central America.

Reverse Nanaimos

Reverse Nanaimos

Dec 18, 2002

Nanaimo bars are one of the most popular treats from the kitchen – even though they're not baked. In this version, food writer Carol Ferguson gives them a twist by layering dark between light colours, thus reversing the classic colour scheme.

Ginger Butterscotch Squares

Ginger Butterscotch Squares

Jan 7, 2013

Sweet butterscotch squares hide a layer of crystallized ginger and velvety milk chocolate. These are pretty when packaged as gifts and are the perfect holiday treat to add to a bake sale.

Cranberry Lemon Squares

Cranberry Lemon Squares

Oct 22, 2008

Cranberry Lemon Squares are made possible by foraging in the wild for the signature ingredient. For Southerners, this recipe also works very well with cultivated cranberries, quartered so they are the same size as the tiny ones so well hidden somewhere outside Yellowknife.
