Fashion & Beauty
GIVEAWAY: Love, Chloé purse spray

Fashion & Beauty
GIVEAWAY: Love, Chloé purse spray
After the
3 new romantic fragrances perfect for Valentine's day post went live on Monday, I've had a ton of feedback from friends, family and co-workers. Particularly about the purse spray from Chloé. People just love Love by Chloé! They also seem to be fascinated by the small golden bottle (which mimics the original), it's sorta flask like, no? Which in my personal opinion only adds to it's appeal.
Love, Chloé Purse Spray, 10 mL, $82 is available at
The Bay and
Holt Renfrew.
Since people are going crazy over it, and we happen to have an extra one sitting in our beauty closet, let's do a giveaway! For your chance to win this stunning petite perfume answer us this: Have you ever been influenced to buy a fragrance because of the design. I have... several times. The latest juice was Prada Candy. The scent doesn't do wonders for me, but the bottle is divine!
Contest closes Feb. 14, 2012, at 12 p.m. (EST). You can enter once only. You’re eligible only if you live in Canada and are of the age of majority in the province/territory you live in. Not open to any TC Media employees or the people they live with. CONTEST CLOSED. Thanks to all who entered, but the winning comment (picked at random) was Mel! Congratulations.