
How to prep your skin for spring

How to prep your skin for spring

How to prep your skin for spring Image by: Getty Images


How to prep your skin for spring

When the weather turns warmer, you're going to want to switch up your skin-care routine for the best results.

The same skin-care regimen won't work for all seasons. As temperatures rise, your skin's demands change, and new skin-care routines, products and makeup are crucial for keeping your skin supple and looking its best.

To learn more about how to get our skin ready for the new season, we spoke to makeup artist Tracy Peart, who provides six simple steps for spring complexion preparation—and perfection.

Choose a lighter moisturizer

While your skin may not seem dry come spring, Peart stresses the importance of continuing to moisturize daily—even as we move past winter. "You still have to moisturize because your skin needs that seal over it, that protection," says Peart. But the key for spring is to trade a heavier product for something lighter. "In winter your skin needs more protection from the cold, so choose a lighter moisturizer for spring and summer," she adds.

The lightness of your moisturizer depends on your skin's temperament. "The type of moisturizer you need is based on your skin type. Skin type first, weather second," the makeup artist explains. To learn what skin type you have, consult your dermatologist or a skin-care professional.


Exfoliation is crucial for abolishing dead skin cells and creating a smooth, spring glow. But before you start scrubbing, keep in mind that exfoliation also depends on your skin type.

"People who have dryer skin should exfoliate more in the winter, because when their skin dries out, it flakes—and the way to get rid of flaking is to exfoliate," she says. However, you may want to decrease the frequency of exfoliation as the temperatures rise since your skin tends to be less dry come spring and summer. As the weather warms up, a weekly exfoliation should be good enough to keep your skin soft.

Learn more about how glycolic acid can help exfoliate your skin.

Increase sunscreen use

The brighter the sun, the more sunscreen you need and, according to Peart, an SPF-infused moisturizer or foundation is not enough protection. "In the winter, rays are a little less strong, so you can get away with a two-in-one," she explains. "But in the summer, err on the side of safety and don't rely on a makeup product to provide you with all your protection."

Peart also stresses the importance of using SPF 30 daily—starting now. "When you start getting selective is when it starts getting dangerous," she warns. "You should be using an SPF 30 year-round. You can't always predict where your day's going to be or where it will take you."

Visit your dermatologist

Peart recommends visiting the dermatologist annually instead of self-diagnosing skin conditions or skin type. "It's no different than going to the doctor once a year," she says. "Everybody's health is individual to their bodies, and it's the same with your skin. Your skin is your biggest organ—and it's not just your face."

Book an appointment now to start a new season off right and to help get your skin spring-ready.

Switch cream for liquid foundation

Since cream foundations can clog your pores in warm weather, Peart suggests switching to a liquid foundation. "With cream foundation you're suffocating your skin," she says. "It puts a blanket on top of your skin—and you're clogging it, which will cause irritation and acne." Lighter, liquid foundation can still conceal problem areas while allowing your skin to breathe.

"In the summer we tend to glow more because we sweat, and that's what's fighting to come out of our pores," she explains. "On an esthetic level, it doesn't look good when you're sweating and thick makeup is running down your face."

Opt for loose powder

Loose powder is ideal for spring since it creates a light finish without a caked-on look. "A pressed powder has a thicker texture and it can clog pores," says Peart. "But because loose powder is so finely ground, it goes on a lot sheerer, so you can dust it all over."

Apply loose powder liberally with a round makeup brush to create a refined, light finish. To help make the transition into spring easier, begin using it now to help keep your skin ventilated and looking fresh.

With only a few simple steps you can get your skin ready for spring and easily transition into the new season. Just remember that all skin types vary, so a visit to your dermatologist may help clear up any questions you have about existing conditions or treatment methods.


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How to prep your skin for spring
