A bit of Canada in Dubai: My Tim Hortons moment

A bit of Canada in Dubai: My Tim Hortons moment
If you ever happen to drop by Dubai and are feeling homesick, you might want to pop into Tim Hortons. Yes, they have Timmy's in Dubai!
I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it. Or my ears when I walked up to the cash and ordered my coffee and the cashier asked me if I wanted a "double double"! Or my taste buds when I realized the coffee was
exactly the same as the stuff sold down the street from my place. I have to admit, after a 14-hour flight, a big dose of culture shock and no small measure of sleep deprivation, this experience gave me a warm fuzzy at a moment when I kind of needed one. I'm not the only one who has had a Hortons-ey experience while overseas. Read about how Jennifer Jones worked in a Tim Hortons in Kandahar,
Tell me: What's the most surprisingly Canadian thing you've seen while travelling in a far off land?
Photography: Annabelle Waugh
