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Get organized at home

Home & Garden
Get organized at home
Have you made this craft? Want to show it off? Post a photo or video of your completed cupboard pockets in our comments section on the next page!
Maximize your cupboard space with a panel of generous pockets -- the perfect place to stash socks, undies and little accessories. If you can measure, cut and sew straight lines, you'll have it done and up in a couple of hours.
You need:
• 1.20 m tightly woven medium-weight canvas, 150 cm wide
• Matching thread
• Three 1/2-inch grommets with assembly tools and instructions (available in kits at fabric stores)
• Dressmaker's chalk pencil, ruler and set square
To make:
1. From canvas, cut out panel, 92 x 55 cm (36-1/4 x 21-5/8 in), aligning edges with fabric grain, then draw line 3 cm (1-1/8 in) inside each edge. Fold panel in half so long (side) edges are even, then press fold to mark vertical centre. Open out and refold, parallel to and 16 cm (6-1/4 in) from each side edge, then press fold to mark position of pocket centres. Open out, refold and press, parallel to and 29 cm (11-1/2 in) from top edge, to mark position of bottom edge of first pocket strip. Set aside.
2. From remaining canvas, cut out 4 pocket strips, each 60 x 22 cm (23-5/8x 8-5/8 in). Along 1 long (top) edge of each, press 2 cm (3/4 in) toward right side (on printed fabric, press toward wrong side); with closely spaced machine zigzag, stitch in place so bottom edge of stitching aligns with raw edge. Draw vertical centre line on each, then, 14 cm (5-1/2in) along bottom from each side edge, place pin to mark pocket centre.
3. Sew on strips, one at a time, as follows: Place first strip on panel, aligning bottom edge with pressed line on panel and aligning vertical centres; pin down centre line. Aligning each side edge with drawn line at side edge of panel, pin side edges in place. Matching pin on strip to corresponding pressed pocket-centre line, pin bottom edge to panel, forming inverted box pleat at each pocket centre. With closely spaced machine zigzag, stitch pleated bottom edge in place so bottom edge of stitching aligns with raw edge. Reinforce with line of topstitching along top edge of zigzag, and another, 6 mm (1/4 in) above. Aligning folded top edge of each strip with bottom edge of previous strip, pin and stitch next 2 in same manner, then pin last strip in place but do not stitch. With wide, closely spaced machine zigzag, stitch vertical centre line from folded top edge of first strip to bottom edge of last.
4. Trim 1 cm (3/8 in) from panel edges to remove any fraying. Press 2 cm along top, bottom, then side edges of panel toward right side and pin, enclosing unsewn pocket edges. With closely spaced machine zigzag, stitch in place so inside edge of stitching aligns with raw edge. Reinforce with line of topstitching along inside edge of zigzag.
5. Following manufacturer's instructions, set grommets in double layered top edge, about 3 cm in from each corner and at centre.
Designer's tips:
• Any tightly woven, medium-weight material -- such as printed or plain denim, duck, twill or upholstery fabric -- can stand in for the canvas.
• Preshrink the fabric before cutting and sewing.
• Custom-size the panel and pockets -- or opt for a single row of pockets on a long strip -- for any special space or purpose: hang a panel in a child's room for small toys, for example, or in the pantry for tea towels and napkins.
Got the itch for stitch? Click here for instructions on how to make a Memento Quilt!
Page 1 of 2 - head to page 2 for instructions on how to make stash bags.
Stylish and simple to make, these shopping bag savers are a tidy way to stash and save bags for recycling and reuse. They're also the perfect way to use up fabric scraps and a practical but pretty make-ahead Christmas present -- for yourself or someone else.
Supplies (for each)
• Piece of medium-weight fabric, 74* x
40 cm (29-1/8 x 15-3/4 in), for sleeve (*or desired length plus 11 cm (4-3/8 in)
seam allowance)
• Strip of matching or contrasting medium-weight fabric, 74 x 5 cm (29-1/8 x 2 in), for hanging loop
• 0.40 m elastic, 6 mm wide
• Bodkin or large safety pin
• Matching thread
1. With right sides together, fold fabric in half so long edges are even; using 6 mm (1/4-in) seam allowance, stitch long edges together. If desired, machine-zigzag seam allowance, to bind. Turn sleeve right side out.
2. Around each end, press under 1 cm (3/8 in), then 4.5 cm (1-3/4 in); pin. Edgestitch each inside fold, backstitching at beginning and end, and leaving a 1 cm gap in seam line, then stitch a second seam line 1 cm out from the first.
3. Cut elastic into 2 equal lengths. With bodkin, thread each length through gap and around 1 end between seam lines; tighten elastic as desired, then overlap ends, trimming away excess if necessary, and stitch together.
4. Press under 1 cm along all edges of strip. With wrong sides together, fold in half so pressed edges are even; pin. Edgestitch all 4 edges. Loop strip over top end of bag saver and, about 20 cm (7-7/8 in) up from each end, pin just above elastic at opposite sides of sleeve; machine-zigzag in place. Wrap each end around loop; knot to conceal stitching.
5. Hang it up, then stuff plastic bags in top and pull out from bottom.
Now that you're on a roll, click here to learn how to organize your digital photos!
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