What moms really want for Mother's Day

© Gajic Image by: © Gajic
What moms really want for Mother's Day
It's not easy for Mom to look genuinely delighted when Dad and the kids, full of smiles and secrets, hand her -- for the fourth year in a row -- the infamous Mother's Day box of chocolates, along with lots of promises ("Mom, you'll be queen for the day! By the way, what's for breakfast?"). Though she tries hard, her best efforts at saying "It's just what I wanted" are getting less emphatic as the years go by.
But it's true: Moms can be very hard to buy for. So what's a dad or kid supposed to do? We have a few ideas on what Mom really wants, and how to give her a day she will not soon forget!
Plan Ahead
This is an occasion that should focus on Mom and make her feel really special -- like the sun rises and sets on her! Try to think of what she has mentioned throughout the year. You should be making notes of these subtle comments months ahead, so keep a running list.
Set up a memo on your smartphone or leave a pad of paper in a drawer and add items or thoughts to the list as they come up. If you hear her mention her love of tulips, don't bring home carnations. Can't afford a florist's bouquet? Make your own with inspiration from these four simple floral arrangements.
Pamper Her, Please
If there is any special time in Mom's life to show her your appreciation, this is it. A manicure, pedicure, facial or any other activity in which she can relax without a care in the world would be perfect for this day.
Imagine how happy Mom will be after all that time spent on herself.
Let Her Relax
If Mom's not into a spa treatment (or if she's already treated herself), give her some time alone. Pick up a couple of her favourite DVDs, a stack of magazines she loves or a new book release -- and let her have a few hours of real me time. If you really want to give her a break, pack up the kids and visit the grandparents or friends for a few hours and let her have the house to herself.
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Give what she wants
Mother's Day is the time to show your mom you understand and appreciate her. So tailor your gift around what she likes -- or dislikes. If she likes to shop, buy her a gift certificate for her favourite store. If she hates weeding the garden, surprise her by doing the chore for her.
Think outside the family
Don't forget all the other moms you know, especially those without partners. Send those moms you love cards or call them and wish them a happy Mother's Day.
If you can, take a mom's kids off her hands for a few hours. Better yet, if you have the means to hire a babysitter and treat her to lunch, an afternoon walk or a latte, you'll probably make her day.
A girl's gotta eat
Get to the woman of the hour in time for dinner -- Mom doesn't need to be chef and dishwasher on her special day. Make reservations, order her favourite takeout meal or pick up groceries and cook a nice dinner for her at home.
The bottom line
Just let her know how much you love her and how much you appreciate everything she does for you all year long -- it's the best gift of all.
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But it's true: Moms can be very hard to buy for. So what's a dad or kid supposed to do? We have a few ideas on what Mom really wants, and how to give her a day she will not soon forget!
Plan Ahead
This is an occasion that should focus on Mom and make her feel really special -- like the sun rises and sets on her! Try to think of what she has mentioned throughout the year. You should be making notes of these subtle comments months ahead, so keep a running list.
Set up a memo on your smartphone or leave a pad of paper in a drawer and add items or thoughts to the list as they come up. If you hear her mention her love of tulips, don't bring home carnations. Can't afford a florist's bouquet? Make your own with inspiration from these four simple floral arrangements.
Pamper Her, Please
If there is any special time in Mom's life to show her your appreciation, this is it. A manicure, pedicure, facial or any other activity in which she can relax without a care in the world would be perfect for this day.
Imagine how happy Mom will be after all that time spent on herself.
Let Her Relax
If Mom's not into a spa treatment (or if she's already treated herself), give her some time alone. Pick up a couple of her favourite DVDs, a stack of magazines she loves or a new book release -- and let her have a few hours of real me time. If you really want to give her a break, pack up the kids and visit the grandparents or friends for a few hours and let her have the house to herself.
Page 1 of 2 -- Check out more helpful tips and advice to show Mom just how much you adore her on page 2
Give what she wants
Mother's Day is the time to show your mom you understand and appreciate her. So tailor your gift around what she likes -- or dislikes. If she likes to shop, buy her a gift certificate for her favourite store. If she hates weeding the garden, surprise her by doing the chore for her.
Think outside the family
Don't forget all the other moms you know, especially those without partners. Send those moms you love cards or call them and wish them a happy Mother's Day.
If you can, take a mom's kids off her hands for a few hours. Better yet, if you have the means to hire a babysitter and treat her to lunch, an afternoon walk or a latte, you'll probably make her day.
A girl's gotta eat
Get to the woman of the hour in time for dinner -- Mom doesn't need to be chef and dishwasher on her special day. Make reservations, order her favourite takeout meal or pick up groceries and cook a nice dinner for her at home.
The bottom line
Just let her know how much you love her and how much you appreciate everything she does for you all year long -- it's the best gift of all.
This story was originally titled "What moms really, really want" in the May 2012 issue. Subscribe to Canadian Living today and never miss an issue! |
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