Six sleep positions decoded

Photo by Vladislav Muslakov on Unsplash
Six sleep positions decoded
Whether sprawled sideways across the mattress or curled into a contented ball, we all have our preferred position for drifting off into a peaceful slumber. But is there more to it than just personal comfort? According to Dr. Chris Idzikowski, director of the Edinburgh Sleep Centre and author of Learn to Sleep Well: A Practical Guide to Getting a Good Night's Rest, your nighttime body language might reveal more than you think.
A recent study conducted by Idzikowski and his team noted that when over 1,000 adults were surveyed, there appeared to be a possible correlation between a subject's sleeping position and aspects of their daytime personality.
So what does your favourite sleep position say about you?
The Fetal Position, lying curled on one side with legs bent, was the most popular sleep position amongst the men and women surveyed, with 41 per cent choosing it as their favourite. This was also the clear winner amongst women, with 51 per cent opting for a night curled under the comforter.
According to the study, those who preferred this position are described as presenting a tough exterior, but are often shy and sensitive under the surface. They also may take some time to warm up to new people, but ultimately relax and become more social.
The Log Position, lying on your side with legs straight and both arms resting at your sides, was the second most popular amongst study participants, with 15 per cent reporting it as their first choice. People who chose this nighttime sleep stance were reported to be social, easy-going and trusting in their daily lives, though sometimes prone to gullibility.
The Yearner is one who sleeps on their side with both arms stretched out in front of them. Thirteen per cent of people surveyed chose this as their favoured sleep position, and identified themselves as having open personalities, but were sometimes prone to suspicion and cynicism. Yearners are also described as slow decision makers, but once the choice is made they stick to it.
The Soldier Position, lying on your back with both arms straight at your sides, was the first choice for eight per cent of study participants. Character traits for those who prefer this position reflect their disciplined namesake, with sleepers identifying themselves as people who set high expectations for themselves and others, and exhibit a quiet and reserved nature.
Freefallers like to sleep on their stomachs with heads turned to the side and arms curled near their pillow. Seven per cent of those surveyed said they preferred this position and identified as being sociable and brash, though inwardly nervous and often sensitive to criticism.
The Starfish Position was the least popular amongst those with a preference, with only five per cent of those surveyed choosing it as their favourite. Starfish sleepers lie on their backs with legs sprawled and arms stretched up near the head, and were reported to make friendship a priority. They dislike being the centre of attention, instead offering to listen to the problems of others and go out of their way to offer assistance to those in need.