Super easy Pumpkin Patch and Jack-o'-lantern Cake Pops

Super easy Pumpkin Patch and Jack-o'-lantern Cake Pops
With Halloween just a day away, we’re gearing up in The Test Kitchen for ghosts, goblins and all kinds of treats. One of this year's most popular treats is the bite-size cake pop. Kids love them because they’re small, sweet and fun to eat – plus, everything tastes better on a stick, right? Moms love them because they’re really easy to make and are way cuter than cupcakes. There are
no set rules when making cake pops. You can use virtually
any type of cake you like and combine it with
any icing. Here are a few of my favourite combinations.
Jack-o'-lantern and Pumpkin Patch Cake Pops[/caption] Here’s what you’ll need:
- Chocolate cake + chocolate icing
- Vanilla cake + coconut icing
- Carrot cake + cream cheese icing
- Chocolate cake + raspberry buttercream

- Cake pop mixture – any combination of cake and icing works here
- Orange and white candy melts, such as Merckens
- Pretzel rods, cut in ½-inch (1 cm) pieces
- Orange decorating sugar
- Lollipop sticks