The essence of this Vietnamese pho lies in the long-cooking, rich beef broth which forms the base of the soup - the slow cooker is the ultimate tool for the task. Fresh, vibrant garnishes, like bean sprouts, assorted fresh herbs such as mint, cilantro and basil, thinly sliced onion, chilies and lime wedges, make each and every bowl of soup unique. Serve them at the table in separate bowls so each person can create the pho of their dreams.
- Prep time 30 minutes
- Total time 24 hours & 30 minutes
- Portion size 6 servings
Vietnamese Beef Broth:
Vietnamese Beef Broth: Arrange onions, ginger and garlic on foil-lined rimmed baking sheet; broil until slightly charred, 5 to 7 minutes. Transfer to slow cooker.Meanwhile, in small skillet, toast cinnamon sticks, star anise, coriander seeds and peppercorns over medium-high heat, stirring occasionally, until fragrant, about 5 minutes; add to slow cooker along with beef bones, carrot, fish sauce and lime zest. Stir in 10 cups water. Cover and cook on low for 24 hours.
Skim off fat from surface. Strain broth through cheesecloth-lined sieve into large saucepan; discard solids. Skim off any remaining fat. Bring to boil; stir in salt. Divide steak and noodles among serving bowls; spoon hot broth over top.
Nutritional facts per serving: about
- Fibre 3 g
- Sodium 880 mg
- Sugars 2 g
- Protein 16 g
- Calories 382.0
- Total fat 5 g
- Cholesterol 22 mg
- Saturated fat 2 g
- Total carbohydrate 66 g
- Iron 14.0
- Folate 7.0
- Calcium 3.0