Health & Fitness
6 Signs It May Be Time To Stop Tracking Your Health Data

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Health & Fitness
6 Signs It May Be Time To Stop Tracking Your Health Data
If any of the below resonate with you, it may be time to take a break from your tracker and see how you feel.
Research shows that for some people, tracking can be a positive way to build awareness of lifestyle markers of health, and make sensible behaviour changes such as increasing their physical activity. The data can empower and motivate them, and tracking provides a source of accountability, helping them stick to their goals. However, for others, it’s easy to become preoccupied by the numbers, and it could be a slippery slope to unhealthy fixation.
What may have started as a healthy habit over time can cause many people to become simply obsessed and stressed, resulting in a detrimental effect on mental and emotional well- being. Our choices around exercise, sleep, food and health in general can start to create internal judgment and criticism.
If any of the below resonate with you, it may be time to take a break from your tracker and see how you feel.
6 signs you may want to stop tracking health data
The numbers on your app or device cause you anxiety, guilt or shame.
You can’t go to bed without reaching your target for the day (e.g., meeting your step count or closing your rings).
You’re unable to take a rest day from exercise, even though your body tells you that you need it.
You take the prescribed targets as gospel.
You feel like exercise doesn’t “count” unless your device records it.
You’re compulsively checking your numbers.
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