Health & Fitness

Reimagining Life At 50+ : Take Charge of Your Life And Find your own happiness

Reimagining Life At 50+ : Find your own happiness

Health & Fitness

Reimagining Life At 50+ : Take Charge of Your Life And Find your own happiness


It's time to redefine the concept of age and time, proving that anyone can start something new at any point in their lives.

Centrum is on a mission to empower men and women to live a Centrum nourished life by offering inspiration on how to help put their body and mind first, to support a healthy, active and full life. Adding Centrum’s 50+ Mini Multivitamins to your daily routine helps to support good health. Plus, they are Non-GMO, gluten free and are specifically formulated for men and women 50+ that come in an easy-to-swallow tablet.

Centrum recognizes the importance of a balanced lifestyle and want to celebrate those who are challenging the dated notion of what 50+ ‘should’ be. Because at 50, you’re not slowing down—you’re just getting started. 

Whether it be picking up a new hobby or making a major life change, you can surprise yourself with what you can achieve; let the following story inspire you to live your best life!


Meet Loredana, Age 56

‘I started to cook as a form of therapy, and it became my new passion.’  


With the unfortunate loss of her mother, followed by a painful divorce, Loredana was searching for a way to nourish her body and mind. That’s when she decided to follow her mother’s path and learn to share the same love and passion she had for cooking. Raised in an Italian family, passion for food, family and cooking played a major role in her everyday life. “Some of my fondest memories of my mom and of my childhood stem from our time in the kitchen. My mom was and still is the person that influences me the most in the kitchen.” 

Although she was hesitant that it was too late to learn and grow her culinary skills at this stage in her life, she found that trying new recipes kept her mind off the painful and traumatic events she experienced. Not only did cooking provide her with better nourishment, but also helped her get through those difficult times. It became a form of healing therapy, representing an act of care and love, allowing Loredana to express her appreciation and gratitude to those around her. She started to understand her mother’s passion for cooking and felt grateful to share this feeling with her.

With practice, time, and dedication, Loredana prides herself on comforting others through cooking and it has become her new happy place! She is now remarried to a man who understands her passion for cooking, proudly raises her family with two very different culinary experiences and always happy to share a meal with friends and family.

Loredana helps support her lifestyle by including vitamins as part of her healthy routine which helps her to do what she loves the most—with the people she loves the most. 


Centrum is a multivitamin and multimineral supplement. Supports good health. Always read and follow the label. 



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Health & Fitness

Reimagining Life At 50+ : Take Charge of Your Life And Find your own happiness
