Health & Fitness

We Asked, You Answered: Canadian Living Reader's Fitness Tips

We Asked, You Answered: Canadian Living Reader's Fitness Tips

5 fitness YouTubers you need to follow Author: Canadian Living

Health & Fitness

We Asked, You Answered: Canadian Living Reader's Fitness Tips

In a recent editor's note ("Family Circus," November 2016), Canadian Living editor in chief Jes Watson asked how you balance staying healthy with your busy lives. The letters poured in with useful tips and advice on how to make exercise and self-care a priority while juggling a jam-packed work and life schedule—and the information was too good not to share! We've compiled some of the best answers and top tricks from our readers. Pass it on!


1. Block Off Your Calendar

Jessica Egiziono keeps her exercise schedule on track by carving out time in her calendar specifically for classes. "I pencil myself in like an appointment. I do it for everyone and everything else so why not me?" she writes.  "Every Thursday I know I have my yogalates class. That day I make sure I make an easy supper so the family is good." - Jessica Egiziano


2. The Early Bird Gets the Workout

Waking up early can be difficult for non-morning people, but Dr. Anita Early MD, a Hospitalist at Lions Gate Hospital in North Vancouver, BC swears by it. She sneaks in a 10K run at 5:45 am, three times a week. While skipping the snooze button may seem attractive, Anita swears that her morning runs are "the best part" of her week.


3. Start Every Day With a Gut Check

For Dennyse Joy Harris of Vancouver Island, BC, it's all about taking a few moments at the beginning of each day to check in and find what you really need. After her child was diagnosed with Leukemia at age 3, Dennyse needed to find the structure she needed to take care of herself and stay strong for her family. Thankfully, her daughter was given the all clear, and left the family stronger than ever. Here's what Dennyse recommends checking in with yourself before diving into the day. 

"Recently, I started using a small daily checklist for self-care to nurture my Mind, Body and Spirit.  I take a few moments before running out the door with my children or while I'm brushing my teeth.

1.  How do I feel today?  What does my body need at this moment?

2.  What's on my mind?  What regret, doubt or worry am I ready to let go of today?

3.  What would feed my soul today?  What do I need most in this moment?"


4. If All Else Fails, Let It Go

Sometimes, the pressure to do it all can feel all-consuming. When it gets to be too much, Lynn Wardle-Ransom suggests taking a step back and letting it go. "It is hard enough to be a working mom, don't add to the stress," she says. And just because you're focused on family now, doesn't mean you can't pick up your fitness goals later. At the age of 50, when Lynn's children were grown and attending university, she took up running. "12 years later I have done several 1/2 Iron Mans, and triathlons and am in the best shape of my life," she explains. "It's OK to wait. You can never get back your children's early years but you can get in shape at any time in your life. I can't wait to run, cycle, ski and swim with my grandkids some day!


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Health & Fitness

We Asked, You Answered: Canadian Living Reader's Fitness Tips
