Health & Fitness
What Banana Should You Use: Green, Yellow Or Ripe?

Photo by Scott Webb, Pexels
Health & Fitness
What Banana Should You Use: Green, Yellow Or Ripe?
Did you know that the different colours of a banana give it different benefits?
Bananas are one of our favourite fruits. They’re super versatile: you can eat them with breakfast, use them in baking, and even add some nut butter for a healthy snack.
Bananas are a source of vitamin C, vitamin B6 and minerals, and can give us a boost in energy thanks to their concentration of carbohydrates—reach for one before a workout or sporting activity.
A banana continues to ripen after being harvested, and even though we usually get annoyed when we see green bananas at the grocery store, you can eat one at any stage of its maturity. However, depending on your tastes and what benefits you’re looking to get, you’ll need to eat it at the right stage.
Here’s when to use a banana to maximize the benefits you’re looking for.
Green banana
If you want a starchy, tangy fruit, go for green. It contains more resistant starch, a type of complex carbohydrate that the body digests more slowly. It’s beneficial for digestive health since it acts as a prebiotic, nourishing the good bacteria in the intestine. However, its higher starch makes it less digestible.
Yellow Banana
The resistant starch in a banana will turn into simple sugars, such as glucose, fructose and sucrose, as it ripens. It’ll be easier to digest and rich in antioxidants and vitamins, like vitamin C and vitamin B6. Use it now for a sweet snack—just make sure to add some protein and fats to slow down your blood sugar spike.
Ripe and Spotted Banana
The riper the banana, the sweeter and less firm it will be. This is the best time to make banana bread or muffins. At this stage, it’s rich in soluble fibre, good for digestion and can help prevent constipation.
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