4 foam roller moves that will help improve your mobility

Image: Geneviéve Caron | Makeup: Shelley Zimner | Clothing and shoes:
4 foam roller moves that will help improve your mobility
Nike master trainer Eva Redpath makes a case for myofascial release. This hurts-so-good technique can benefit mobility and ease muscle tension by manipulating your fasciae, the connective tissue surrounding muscles.
Follow up myofascial release with static stretches to help create an even better range of motion.
For each move, roll back and forth 10 times, holding for a few seconds over specific areas of tension.

Image: Geneviéve Caron | Makeup: Shelley Zimner | Clothing and shoes:
1. Sit on the foam roller with your feet flat on the floor. Place your right hand on the floor behind you and cross your right leg over your left leg. lean slightly toward
your right leg.
2. Using your left foot and right hand for leverage, move the right side of your bum up and down the foam roller, from the top (around your tailbone) to the bottom (where your bum meets your thigh). Switch sides.
FOCUS: Iliotibial, or IT, band (located in the outer thigh)

Image: Geneviéve Caron | Makeup: Shelley Zimner | Clothing and shoes:
1. Lying on your right side with your legs extended and your right forearm on the floor under your shoulder, position the foam roller under your right leg about mid-thigh. Place your left foot on the floor in front of your right knee.
2. Using your right arm for leverage, move your right thigh up and down the foam roller, from the hip to the knee. Switch sides.

Image: Geneviéve Caron | Makeup: Shelley Zimner | Clothing and shoes:
1. Lying on your stomach, position the foam roller under your right thigh. Prop yourself up on your forearms and bend your left leg out to the side (think frog leg).
2. Using your arms and your left leg for leverage, move your thigh up and down the foam roller, from the hip to the knee. Switch legs.
FOCUS: Thoracic spine(the middle part of the spinal column, located in the upper back)

Image: Geneviéve Caron | Makeup: Shelley Zimner | Clothing and shoes:
1. Lying on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor, position the foam roller under your upper back (line it up with your bra band). Cross your arms on your chest and raise your hips off the floor, allowing the foam roller to support you.
2. Using your feet for leverage, propel your body back and forth, moving the foam roller from upper to mid-back.