8 Exercises That Will Strengthen Your Legs

Photography, Anastasia Hisel,
8 Exercises That Will Strengthen Your Legs
According to Statistics Canada, adults are sedentary an average of 9.8 hours a day.
Sitting for prolonged periods of time is associated with a higher risk of several chronic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes and cancer. So this month, we’re moving our bodies and working toward strengthening our legs and glutes!
1. Chair pose

Photography, Bruno Petrozza/C. Makeup, Nathalie Dodon.
Standing with your feet hip-width apart, slowly bend your knees as if you were going to sit down. Raise your arms up so they are in line with the torso overhead or parallel to the floor. Hold this pose for three breaths, then return to standing. Repeat 5 times.
2. Single-leg plank

Photography, Bruno Petrozza/C. Makeup, Nathalie Dodon.
Beginning in plank position, wrists under the shoulders and abdominal muscles engaged, exhale and raise the left leg. Inhale to return to plank. Repeat 10 times, alternating legs.
3. Hip abduction

Photography, Bruno Petrozza/C. Makeup, Nathalie Dodon.
Starting in tabletop pose, wrists under the shoulders and knees under the hips, exhale and raise the left knee 90 degrees to the side. Without touching the floor, inhale to bring the leg back to tabletop. Repeat 10 times on each side.
4. Glute bridge

Photography, Bruno Petrozza/C. Makeup, Nathalie Dodon.

Photography, Bruno Petrozza/C. Makeup, Nathalie Dodon.
Lying on your back, bend your knees and place your arms and hands flat on either side of your body. Draw the belly down and bring the lower back to the floor. Exhale and lift the pelvis toward the ceiling. Inhale as you lower down until you’re almost touching the floor. Repeat 10 times.
5. Single-leg bridge

Photography, Bruno Petrozza/C. Makeup, Nathalie Dodon.
Starting from bridge position, exhale and lift the pelvis toward the ceiling. Lift the left foot off the ground and bring the knee to 90 degrees. Inhale as you lower down until you’re almost touching the floor; exhale and, without returning your pelvis to the floor, lift up again toward the ceiling. Repeat 5 times on each side.
6. Lateral single-leg lift

Photography, Bruno Petrozza/C. Makeup, Nathalie Dodon.
Starting on your knees, place your left hand on the floor at your side. Exhale and lift your left leg; point your toes. Draw 10 plate-sized circles clockwise, and 10 counter-clockwise. Ensure that your pelvis is stabilized. repeat sequence on the right leg.
7. Leg adduction

Photography, Bruno Petrozza/C. Makeup, Nathalie Dodon.

Photography, Bruno Petrozza/C. Makeup, Nathalie Dodon.
Lying on your right side, bend your left leg to 90 degrees and place it on the floor in front of you. Exhale and lift your right leg a few centimetres off the ground. Inhale to bring the leg back down. Repeat 10 times on each side.
8. Side-lying leg lift

Photography, Bruno Petrozza/C. Makeup, Nathalie Dodon.

Photography, Bruno Petrozza/C. Makeup, Nathalie Dodon.
Lying on your right side, extend your right arm to support your head. Place the left hand in front on the floor to stabilize your body. Exhale and lift both legs a few centimetres off the floor. Inhale to bring the legs back down. Repeat 10 times on each side.
Marie-France Pellerin is a yoga, pilates and meditation instructor. For more exercises, visit her virtual studio, Namasté & Coco Latté. Namastecocolatte.Com | @Mfpellerin
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