This is the sport that alleviates menopausal symptoms

Photography, Burst,
This is the sport that alleviates menopausal symptoms
There are gentle solutions to help reduce the unpleasant symptoms of menopause, such as taking up a sport.
There are gentle solutions to help reduce the unpleasant symptoms of menopause, such as taking up a sport.
While menopause symptoms vary from person to person, many experience weight gain, hot flashes, insomnia, mood swings, and anxiety.
Fortunately, taking up a sport can help relieve these difficult symptoms. One sport in particular is said to have a better success rate in countering the effects of menopause: yoga.
This practice can help manage stress, improve flexibility, and relieve pain. The different positions suggested in yoga can be adapted to the user's needs and sporting habits. Some may choose gentle positions that will simply help soften the body and reduce pain, while others may want to go further in their practice. The choice is a personal one.
What's more, yoga is a practice directly linked to breathing.
"The practice of slow, deep breathing can help calm the mind and reduce stress. In your yoga practice, take time to focus on your breathing and make sure you're breathing deeply and completely. Always try to join the breath to the movement, which is one of the ways yoga becomes a meditation in motion and not just another gym class," explains yoga teacher Cheryl MacDonald.
For beginners, it's also possible to purchase sports accessories to facilitate certain positions. Blocks and straps can help.
A set of yoga blocks and straps, on sale for $23.98 on Amazon