
Getting fit together

Getting fit together

Author: Canadian Living


Getting fit together

Going to the gym, going for a run, or even going out dancing; these are just a few things that you and your partner can do to enhance your physical well-being, release some daily stresses and build or maintain a strong (no pun intended) relationship.

Working out with a partner is not just a Valentine's Day gimmick. Numerous studies have shown that couples that share in physical activities together have a healthier relationship. It helps to stay motivated, stay in shape and stay in love. Good physical health and good sexual functioning go hand in hand.

When you exercise, you get the benefits of having your entire hormonal system aroused. After a good workout, the endorphin rush feels great. Imagine what happens when you are both having those feelings at the same time in the same place.

You do not have to do the entire workout together -- especially if you have very different body types, abilities or fitness goals. It's OK as long as you come together at some point during the workout to do something together.

Generally, men do not stretch enough and women do not lift enough. Help each other out with the weaknesses in your routines. Men, take your partner through one of your weight lifting workouts (using lighter and relative weights to ability), motivating and encouraging her through those last three or four reps. Women, help your partner stretch and work on breathing. Because men do not usually have the best flexibility it may be a little painful so they hold their breath. Help them through the stretches by concentrating on breathing and relaxing.

Page 1 of 2 – Discover 8 exciting ideas that make for great couples' activities on page 2!

Couples can do so many activities together and finding common ground is key. Remember, it is not a competition (unless competition is what gets you both fired up) – it's about being together.

• Racquet sports are great for just the two of you or even for pairing up with another couple.

• Going for a hike and taking along romantic goodies to enjoy while watching the sun set or rise.

• A nice long stroll along the beach, at the park or around your neighbourhood.

• Weekend ski getaway: Remember to make sure the room has a hot tub and fireplace.

• Take a cycling class together -- you can race to the end with both crossing the finish line at the same time no matter what your abilities.

• Partner yoga classes are a great gift instead of the usual chocolate or flowers. Its benefits last a lifetime and can certainly make the relationship tastier. Look around your community to find teachers offering this unique way to explore yoga.

• Go to the gym together, but remember, you do not have to spend the entire time together. She can participate in her step class, he can go lift his weights (or vise versa), and you can meet at the end to stretch together.

• If you both love running, but have different abilities, the treadmills at the gym are the place to be. Distance and speed can vary but you remain side by side, discussing the day, your upcoming vacation or what you're going to do together on the weekend. The key words here are 'side by side'.

Staying healthy and active can bring many amazing benefits to so many aspects of your life, so why would it not affect your relationship for the better? Our lives are so busy with outside obligations we often forget about ourselves and those that are closest to us. Use the time you take to stay healthy as a time to share with your partner. Travel the long road ahead together, your partner by your side, and make it a fun, healthy, well-lived road.

Page 2 of 2 – How can you improve your partner's workout (and vice versa)? Find out on page 1.


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Getting fit together
