8 Exercises To Increase Mobility & Stimulate Digestion
Twisting postures help with the spine’s mobility, and when combined with deep breathing, they also stimulate digestion, promote blood flow and centre the mind.
These dynamic poses not only energize your body, but also breathe new life into your workout routine. Get ready to feel refreshed and rejuvenated!

Lie on your back with your hands behind your head. Lift your head and shoulders off the mat and bend your legs, bringing the knees in line with the hips. Exhale to draw one knee in toward the chest as the other leg extends out at 45 degrees, rotate your torso toward the bent knee. Inhale to return to centre. Repeat 8 to 10 times, alternating legs.
The Saw

From a seated position, extend the legs forward mat-width apart. Extend your arms out to each side, palms facing forward. inhale to twist your ribs to the right. Exhale and bend forward, reaching your left hand to the outside of your right foot. Extend the right arm back, thumb pointing down toward the mat. Inhale to extend through the spine, holding the twist. Exhale to return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times, alternating sides.
Seated Spinal Twist

Start in a seated position, extend the legs forward and flex the feet. If the back is rounded, try sitting on a cushion or bending the knees slightly. Extend your arms out to each side, palms facing down. Exhale and twist to the right. Inhale to return to centre. Repeat 10 times, alternating sides.