Mind & Spirit
Best friends makeover: Month 2

Mind & Spirit
Best friends makeover: Month 2
It's one month into Canadian Living Magazine's Best Friends Makeover, and while Tanya Leavitt and Tracy Metcalf are making use of their membership at Mount Royal Recreation in Calgary, they're still grappling with challenges in other areas of their lives. Here's an update on their progress.
• Tanya is taking fitness classes or is weight training at least three times a week. "I'm loving the fitness part (who knew!)," she says. "I feel more energetic, but haven't noticed any changes in size or shape yet."
• Tracy finds her weekly fitness classes are "great stress relievers" and leaves every one of them "laughing."
• The best friends find healthy eating to be a challenge because of the cost and because of the time involved. The good news: "I'm eating breakfast every day now even though I hate it," says Tracy.
• Tanya is trying to make a "clean sweep" of her entire life. "Once I've gotten rid of clutter at home, it should be easier to start clearing out some of my emotional clutter."
• Tracy is updating her résumé to more accurately reflect her talents and accomplishments. As for Tanya, she's starting to take on new responsibilities at work; she's developing a problem-solving workshop for coworkers at Calgary Urban Project Society (CUPS).
• Unfortunately, there are more challenges ahead in the area of debt reduction. The women face an imminent rent increase and other new stresses on an already tight budget.
• As Tracy and Tanya mull over the image they want to pursue, they'll have to edit pieces from their wardrobe that don't work and add pieces that do.
Photo by Roth & Ramberg