Mind & Spirit
Best friends makeover: Month 3

Mind & Spirit
Best friends makeover: Month 3
Two months into the Canadian Living Best Friends Makeover and Tanya Leavitt and Tracy Metcalf are making headway but feeling a few bumps.
• Working out together a few times a week is great get-to-the-gym incentive. Tracy loves fitness again and can't wait to start a new belly-dancing class. After working with trainers, Tanya now feels more confident, too.
• Making more nutritious food choices is still a challenge. Tracy's and Tanya's food tastes are so different that they don't share many meals, but Tracy is finding time to make some bulk meals and freezing smaller portions.
• Tracy is becoming more wise with her budget. She switched to a no-fee bank account, started power payments to lower her credit card debt and used Air Miles points to purchase gift cards.
• Both women are learning to think positively. Tanya is trying to stop fixating so much on her debt (and projecting negative vibes as a result). "I think my attitude has changed, and I feel very hopeful about my future now," she says. Tracy kept things in perspective when her car broke down (again) -- even though it made her money situation tighter and stole more precious time from her day.
• The girls are also exploring career development. Tanya signed up for a few adult educator courses at Mount Royal College in Calgary to continue exploring career options.
• Both women had fun choosing the most flattering colours and styles of clothing for a photo shoot (greys, pinks and light blues for Tanya's pinkish skin tone, and burgundy and dark blue for Tracy's olive tone).
Photo by Roth & Ramberg