Mind & Spirit
Best friends makeover: Month 8

Mind & Spirit
Best friends makeover: Month 8
Another month has gone by in the Canadian Living Best Friends yearlong Makeover, and both Tracy Metcalfe and Tanya Leavitt are feeling confident about their future. Here's their Month 8 update.
• The women started a new fitness class (African dance) together and, being in better shape now, they increased the intensity of their cardio workouts.
• They're busier socially, too. Recent outings included a fashion show and an art show.
• On the job front, Tracy is doing a lot of networking, an important strategy in her decision to change careers. She's also exploring the possibility of an entrepreneurial venture.
• For her part, Tanya held a fun information session on her Success Circle for her coworkers and tried to get staff from different departments involved. After successfully cohosting a Law of Attraction (strategies on how to attract the things you want in life and avoid the things you don't want) discussion group, Tanya is planning to host one on her own.
• As for finances, Tracy had to drain her savings account to fix her car. “At least it's a resolved issue now,” she says.
• Tanya's finances are looking good. She met all of her quarterly financial goals and now sees her issue with debt as “manageable rather than overwhelming.”
• Tracy and Tanya's respective sons, Spencer and Kesler, are getting money tips, too. They met with financial coach Jennifer Kirby to discuss money-saving ideas.
• Both women met with estate lawyer Leanne Cherry to discuss their wills and other personal documents.
• When it comes to her personal life, Tanya is keeping a daily gratitude journal and says it helped shift her perspective: “I feel less stressed and have added silliness back into my life.”
Photo by Roth & Ramberg