
What sleeping on the left or right reveals about you

What sleeping on the left or right reveals about you

Photography, Andrea Piacquadio,


What sleeping on the left or right reveals about you

Which side of the bed do you sleep on?

Science has weighed in on the choice of our side of the bed and its link to our personality.

The Premier Inn hotel chain conducted a study on 3,000 people to find correlations between the side of the sleeper's bed and their personality.

Whether you sleep on the left or the right, discover what this reveals about you.

Left side

When lying on their backs in bed, the left side is associated with creativity, harmony, and calm. These people would be more associated with the characteristics of the right hemisphere of the brain, so these sleepers would be more inclined to be artistic and creative. They even seem to wake up happier and in a better mood. Their outlook on life is positive, peaceful, and optimistic.

Right side

Sleeping on the right side of the bed is closely linked to self-confidence, organization, and being grounded. These individuals are said to be more likely to wake up in a grumpy, even negative mood. It's worth noting that these sleepers are said to earn more money than their left-sided partners, as they often focus on business. Their political opinions are said to lean towards right-wing ideas.


Do you recognize yourself?




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What sleeping on the left or right reveals about you
