4 Fun Gift Exchange Games For Your Holiday Parties

Photo by Julia Larson, Pexels
4 Fun Gift Exchange Games For Your Holiday Parties
Are you doing a White Elephant or gift exchange with family, friends, or colleagues?
Here are 4 simple and fun games that will make your present swap full of festive cheer and laughter.
1. The Dice Game
All the presents are placed under the tree as soon as the guests arrive. When it’s time to exchange, everyone chooses a gift, without opening it. Take out a die, then, one by one, roll the die. People must act according to the number that comes up:
1 = Pass the gift to the left
2 = Pass the gift to the right
3 = Exchange your gift with anyone
4 = Exchange your gift with anyone
5 = Unwrap your gift
6 = Unwrap your gift
2. Guess Who?
Before the exchange begins, guests write a trait of their personality on their gift meant for the person they selected. During the exchange, each person must go and get the gift intended for them under the tree and try to guess who the package is from based on he trait. The person can only open the gift when they guess correctly. Otherwise, they must wait for the next round of the table to try their luck again.
3. Truth or Dare
All guests must write down a truth to reveal or a dare to do in order to unwrap the gift. It's a very simple game, but oh so much fun when you're with friends!
4. The Gift Hunt
This game is very simple: when guests arrive, they’ll hide their gift somewhere in the house. When everyone has arrived and it is time to exchange, the gift hunt begins! Then, the guests gather around the tree to unwrap their respective finds. You can even spice things up by adding the dice game while unwrapping the gifts!
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