Home & Garden
Decorating with black

Home & Garden
Decorating with black
Black is enjoying a bit of a renaissance in interior decorating right now, and frankly, there's no other colour that's as deserving of a comeback. Now, I'm not advocating moody, broody spaces that are drained of all colour. On the contrary, I think
black is most effective when used with a bit of restraint. It's a fantastic hue for
drawing attention to a particular piece of furniture, elevating an ordinary accessory into a striking statement piece. Alternatively, it can
ground an otherwise fanciful space, providing a much-needed
anchor both visually and thematically. Take, for instance, this
gorgeous black rug below, which singlehandedly brings this unabashedly over-the-top red room comfortably back down to earth. [caption id="attachment_2496" align="aligncenter" width="600"]
Stately, but not sombre, this black rug is exactly what was needed to counteract the rich red walls wrapping this stunning sitting room. The twin floor lamps at the rear are a perfect example of black being used to great effect as an "exclamation mark."
Paint, Benjamin Moore Williamsburg Colour Collection.
Photography courtesy of Benjamin Moore.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_2497" align="aligncenter" width="600"]
It's easy to think of black as a radical hue, but it actually helps drives home the traditional vibe of this vignette, emphasizing the handsome silhouettes of these antique shield-back chairs. The pairing of black and white in both the framed art prints and the Jacobean-patterned drapes is definitely one of my favourite trends this fall.
Paint, Benjamin Moore Williamsburg Colour Collection.
Photography courtesy of Benjamin Moore.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_2500" align="aligncenter" width="600"]
One of the least intimidating ways to ease black back into your decor is through a familiar animal print -- something that again springs from the fall trend for pairing black with white. Although you could play it safe with a black-and-white cowhide, I'm rather smitten with these modular zebra-print carpet tiles from FLOR. Not only do carpet tiles give you complete control over the dimensions of the carpet, you've also got the option to customize the pattern itself by subbing-in solid black or white tiles to create a unique checkerboard-like effect, or even a solid-colour border to frame the zebra print.
Mod Zebra II carpet tiles, $14 each, FLOR.
Photography courtesy of FLOR.[/caption] For more inspired ideas on how to welcome black back into your home, check out my new slideshow here. Follow me on Twitter!

Paint, Benjamin Moore Williamsburg Colour Collection.
Photography courtesy of Benjamin Moore.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_2497" align="aligncenter" width="600"]

Paint, Benjamin Moore Williamsburg Colour Collection.
Photography courtesy of Benjamin Moore.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_2500" align="aligncenter" width="600"]

Mod Zebra II carpet tiles, $14 each, FLOR.
Photography courtesy of FLOR.[/caption] For more inspired ideas on how to welcome black back into your home, check out my new slideshow here. Follow me on Twitter!