Home & Garden

Self-Watering Planter

Self-Watering Planter

The Sustainable Self-Watering PLANT HANGER, $63, potiere.co.

Home & Garden

Self-Watering Planter

We can’t be the only ones who hum the famous Bee Gees song and cross our fingers when watering our houseplants, can we?

Whether you’ve got a track record as a plant killer, you’re just not much of a green thumb, or you’re simply looking for low maintenance when it comes to your indoor greenery, you’ll want to check out this self watering planter.

Made from a blend of sustainably sourced bamboo, melamine and cornstarch, the lightweight vessel’s built-in irrigation system has a convenient waterspout, a self watering wick and a locking system. And since it waters from the bottom up, plants will develop stronger root systems and be less likely to attract plant fungus or pests.

Your beauties will stay fresh and green even when you’re on vacation!

Use code CL20 at checkout for 20% off and get growing!

OFFER ENDS: December 31st,  2022


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Home & Garden

Self-Watering Planter
