DIY & Crafts
Classic raglan KAL: week three

DIY & Crafts
Classic raglan KAL: week three
Hi everyone, and welcome to week three of the
Classic Raglan KAL! How's your knitting coming along? I was feeling like a slowpoke
last week, but now I'm catching up. Between my morning commutes and a little bit of couch-sitting at the end of each day, I'm happy to report I'm just two rounds away from starting the hip shaping.
(I considered trying it on for today's photo, but I think that showing you an image of me in a knitted crop top might be cruel and unusual! Maybe next week, by which time I'm hoping I'll have a finished sweater body to show off.) I dropped my pattern on the subway floor once this week (yuck!) and the kind person who picked it up and gave it back to me was obviously pretty interested in all the scribbles. It's true – I really mark up my patterns.
It's the easiest way for me to keep track of row counts, increases and decreases and so on – especially because I'm often distracted while I'm knitting (in front of a movie) or have to start/stop without much notice (on the subway). It makes perfect sense to me, but I think it might look like crazy scribbling to someone else! That got me wondering: How do you track your progress on a pattern? I'd love to see a photo of your system in the comments – do you use a notebook, write on the pattern, keep a row counter? Tell me all about it! And, of course, I'm interested to see how your sweaters are coming along. I think that
Jane and
Kelly are both close to finishing, as is Elizabeth. How about you? Finally, a big welcome to Anna, Teena and Jen, who all joined the KAL in the last week. It's great to have you here, ladies! I'm looking forward to your progress reports. Happy knitting!
