DIY & Crafts
DIY curtains: Upmarket makeovers for your drapery

DIY & Crafts
DIY curtains: Upmarket makeovers for your drapery
The curtain
Crisp white linen drapery panels are the perfect blank canvas for any number of DIY updates.
Aina curtains, $60 per pair,; Cappa drapery rod, $45,

Beachy ombré
Using a spray bottle, saturate the bottom 12 inches of the drapery panel with water. Wearing rubber gloves and following the manufacturer's instructions, prepare fabric dye in a clean bathtub. Immerse the bottom eight inches of the drapery panel in the dye bath, hanging the remainder over the edge of the tub. Let the immersed panel soak for one hour, frequently mixing the dye with rubber-gloved hands. (The dye will creep up the saturated fabric to create a watery gradation of colour.) Rinse the dyed portion of the panel until the water runs clear. Squeeze out excess water and hang the panel to dry.
Tailored stripes
Cut three strips of grosgrain ribbon, each three inches longer than the width of the drapery panel. Lay the drapery panel flat and place one strip of ribbon widthwise across the panel, about eight inches above (and parallel to) the bottom hem. Using the ribbon as a guide, apply a straight line of permanent fabric adhesive half an inch above the upper edge of the ribbon. Place a second ribbon along the adhesive line, leaving a 1 1/2-inch overhang on each side. Press firmly to adhere. Wrap the overhang around the reverse of the panel and secure with fabric adhesive. Apply the remaining two strips with adhesive to create three parallel stripes, leaving a 3/4-inch gap between each.

Bohemian lace
Lay the drapery panel flat on a drop cloth or tarp. Arrange the left edge of a stencil along the left hem of the panel, approximately six inches above the bottom hem. Using a sponge applicator, apply multisurface acrylic paint to the stencil in light dabbing motions. Continue stencilling across the width of the panel, ensuring the pattern runs parallel to the bottom hem. Hang the panel to dry.
For more curtain inspiration, check out these best ready-made curtains for your home.
Crisp white linen drapery panels are the perfect blank canvas for any number of DIY updates.
Aina curtains, $60 per pair,; Cappa drapery rod, $45,

Beachy ombré
Using a spray bottle, saturate the bottom 12 inches of the drapery panel with water. Wearing rubber gloves and following the manufacturer's instructions, prepare fabric dye in a clean bathtub. Immerse the bottom eight inches of the drapery panel in the dye bath, hanging the remainder over the edge of the tub. Let the immersed panel soak for one hour, frequently mixing the dye with rubber-gloved hands. (The dye will creep up the saturated fabric to create a watery gradation of colour.) Rinse the dyed portion of the panel until the water runs clear. Squeeze out excess water and hang the panel to dry.

Tailored stripes
Cut three strips of grosgrain ribbon, each three inches longer than the width of the drapery panel. Lay the drapery panel flat and place one strip of ribbon widthwise across the panel, about eight inches above (and parallel to) the bottom hem. Using the ribbon as a guide, apply a straight line of permanent fabric adhesive half an inch above the upper edge of the ribbon. Place a second ribbon along the adhesive line, leaving a 1 1/2-inch overhang on each side. Press firmly to adhere. Wrap the overhang around the reverse of the panel and secure with fabric adhesive. Apply the remaining two strips with adhesive to create three parallel stripes, leaving a 3/4-inch gap between each.

Bohemian lace
Lay the drapery panel flat on a drop cloth or tarp. Arrange the left edge of a stencil along the left hem of the panel, approximately six inches above the bottom hem. Using a sponge applicator, apply multisurface acrylic paint to the stencil in light dabbing motions. Continue stencilling across the width of the panel, ensuring the pattern runs parallel to the bottom hem. Hang the panel to dry.

For more curtain inspiration, check out these best ready-made curtains for your home.