DIY & Crafts
Fall cleaning and stash busting

DIY & Crafts
Fall cleaning and stash busting
This weekend, in a bout of
productive procrastination, I decided to do something about my overflowing yarn stash. September has always seemed to me like a second "new year," so it seemed like the perfect time to step back and evaluate.
As you can see, it was in need of attention (and that's only half of it!) I try to buy yarn only when I have a specific project in mind. The only exception to that rule is sock yarn – I'm a sucker for pretty sock yarn (but that's where having a go-to sock pattern comes in handy!) and so I allow myself to indulge when I find a skein I really like. Still despite my rules, I do end up with project leftovers and the occasional impulse-buy that I realize I'm never going to use once I've escaped the hypnotizing glare of the sale bin, and it all adds up over time. As I've become pickier about what yarn I buy, I've also decided not to feel bad about my stash. I spent my money to buy it, and what I do with it – whether I knit it, display it, or ultimately give it away – is up to me, too. Happily, that attitude has made it much easier to do a thorough stash-sort – as has finding a group of knitters who take yarn donations and knit for charity. After an hour or so, I'd weeded out the cast-offs and the leftovers, and I've got a grocery bag full of yarn to donate. Now, what's left is all nice and organized. There's just the small matter of the half-finished sweater that I found at the bottom of the pile. Whoops!
Finishing this sweater (and staying away from the yarn store sale bins) is now at the top of my list.
Are you making any crafty resolutions this September?
