DIY & Crafts

Fall, Knitting and Elizabeth Zimmermann

Canadian Living
DIY & Crafts

Fall, Knitting and Elizabeth Zimmermann

Hi friends, I've seen red leaves on maple trees, been bopped in the noggin by falling acorns, and just finished putting together the October issue of Canadian Living, so it's no wonder that my mind is turning toward autumn – and so, of course, to knitting. elizabeth_zimmermann_145 Perhaps the reawakening of my knitting brain is why I seem to have been noticing Elizabeth Zimmermann's name popping up all over the place recently – you know how it is when you hear a word once and then all of a sudden everyone is saying it? That's how I feel about EZ lately. Here's a roundup of a few of the mentions I've seen. There's tons more out there, but these are the things I've noticed recently. Do you  have any EZ links to share?


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DIY & Crafts

Fall, Knitting and Elizabeth Zimmermann
