DIY & Crafts
Gingerbread people

DIY & Crafts
Gingerbread people
The basic method for knitting these gingerbread men is simple. Beginning at the feet, you knit a rectangle, shaping at the top for a head. When the body is sewn together and stuffed, the arms and legs are defined by stitching through all layers. Add the embroidered features and trim with dark brown, white and red yarn.
You need:
Small quantity of gingerbread-brown Sayelle or similar-weight yarn
Dark brown, white and red yarn scraps
A pair of 3 mm needles
Tapestry needle
Polyester fiberfill
k = knit
p = purl
st(s) = stitch(es)
tog = together
dec = decrease(s)(d)(ing) by working 2 sts tog
rem = remaining
St st = stocking stitch
To make:
Work in St st throughout.
Cast on 32 sts.
Work 20 rows for legs. Place marker at end of row.
Work 14 rows for upper body. Place marker at end of row to indicate neck.
Work 15 rows for head as follows:
Rows 1 to 8: Work even in St st.
Row 9: Dec 5 sts evenly across row (27 sts rem).
Row 10: P across row.
Row 11: Dec 5 sts evenly across row (22 sts rem).
Row 12: P across row.
Row 13: Dec 5 sts evenly across row (17 sts rem).
Row 14: P across row.
Row 15: K1, [K2 tog] 8 times.
Draw yarn through rem sts and pull up.
To finish:
1. Sew sides tog to form centre-back seam.
2. Stuff head. Weave a single strand of matching yarn through neck row. Draw up to form neck and secure ends.
3. Stuff body and sew up bottom, pulling in as much as possible.
4. With matching yarn, define arms by sewing small black stitches through all layers from waist to 2 rows beneath neck. Define legs in same manner, from bottom to just below waistline.
5. Embroider arm outline, ankles, mouth, eyes and buttons.