DIY & Crafts

Inspiration for your weekend

Canadian Living
DIY & Crafts

Inspiration for your weekend

Hi friends, I really need to see a glimpse of the light at the end of the purple sweater tunnel, so I've been looking for quilting inspiration online recently. I like to alternate between projects – when I finish a big knitting project, I switch to quilting, and vice versa – it's one of the ways I keep myself motivated. Knowing there's a fun new project around the corner spurs me on, and there are times (like now!) when it's about the only thing that keeps a half-finished project from ending up scrumbled into a shopping bag and shoved into the deepest darkest corner of my closet. [caption id="attachment_1435" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="I've also taken to bribing myself with flowers."] I've also taken to bribing myself with flowers.[/caption] Anyway, here are a few things, quilty and non, that have been inspiring me to knit faster! this week. OK, any more ideas and that sweater's in danger of hitting the closet floor. Have a great weekend. I'll see you here Monday with a prize pack from Patons!


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DIY & Crafts

Inspiration for your weekend
